Ministers Blog

A message for Clifton’s Minister Rev Karen Beecham.

This is the time of year where all of us try and become better people. More people sign up for Slimming World and WeightWatchers and more people join the Gym, with the hope that this year will be different. Some people set New Years Resolutions that probably last a few weeks before the old routine comes back due to the busyness of life. 

However, it is a good time to reflect over the year that has gone and to think about what our hopes and dreams are for this year. This year is full of excitement and expectation while we wonder what will spring up, new possibilities, some dreams realised and maybe some hopes filled. After the flood Noah sent out a dove to see if there were any signs of new life, the dove eventually didn’t come back. Noah and his family were on the cusp of a new life with all the possibilities, hopes and dreams before them.
I wonder what they were? I wonder what your hopes and dreams are?

Why not at the start of this new year take a blank piece of paper, at the top write the title ‘hopes and dreams for 2018’. Then write down your hopes and dreams for yourself, your family, your  faith, your church, our world; seal it in an envelope and hide it for a year. Next January open it and see what God has done in your life and what hopes and dreams have been fulfilled.

May God bless you richly as you journey through this year
Rev Karen

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