General Church Meeting

The Methodist Church Clifton
General Church Meeting: Sunday 27 April 2014

At the General Church Meeting on 27 April we will
appoint church stewards for the coming year and
nominations need to be with me in writing by
Easter Day 20 April. Also at the meeting we need
to appoint the representatives from the church to
the Church Council. Currently they are : Mary
Timmiss, Elaine Bott, Barry Ollivant, Cath Watts,
Sybil Davies, Bob Jackson, Lucy Arno and Kath
Liles. Any new nominations should also be with
me in writing by 20 April. Nominations may be
taken at the meeting only to fill vacancies.
I hope as many of you as possible will attend the
meeting which follows the morning service and is
preceded by a lunch.

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